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Romania Student Visa

European or non-European citizen, choosing to study abroad in the European Union, especially in Romania, is the best choice you can make: vast cultural diversity, access to all European countries, heart of research and conferences centers and possibility of easily being involved into community, meeting people from all over the world and possibility of making network useful lasting for the rest of live, etc. Studying in Romania makes students grow a lot and quickly.
Romania is member of EU and EEA countries
Study in Romania is studying in European Union (EU), in European Economic Area (EEA). All diplomas from EU and EEA accredited Universities are automatically recognized in all Europe and beyond.
Excellent quality of education in Romania
Traditionally, Higher Education in Romania has a world-wide reputation as a centre of excellence in learning, teaching and practice. Romanian Universities and Colleges have been receiving thousands and thousands of students from all over the world, especially from developing countries. Today all most all Romanian Universities are partners with thousands of well-known Universities all over the world. And Romania has become one of the countries offering state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge research opportunities together with the chance to walk in the footsteps of so many of the world’s most influential thinkers.
Reasonable tuition fees and living expenses in Romania
Romanian Higher education and living cost are the cheapest in all European Union. The excellent academic standards are achieved with reasonable tuition fees and daily costs while the education sector being a top priority for Europe’s competitiveness.
Requirements for Romanian Student long stay visa
1.Letter of acceptance.
2.Proof of tuition fees payment for one year (payment must be done after getting the      acceptance letter, transferring the fee to the University bank account. 
3.Proof of sufficient means of support for entire period specified in the visa (approximately 2500 Euros) 
4.Criminal record certificate or another document of the same legal value.
5.Medical insurance for the entire period of the visa validity.
6.Approval of the parents or the foster parents in connection with the stay on the Romanian territory for study purposes, if the foreign citizen is a minor.

GLANSO INTERNATIONAL is one of the Best Romania student visa consultant in Ahmedabad & Rajkot that provides professional and reliable services.