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Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program

Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program
The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) is a way to immigrate to Canada. Through the SINP, the province of Saskatchewan:
• Invites residency applications from non- Canadians who want to make Saskatchewan their home
• Nominates successful applicants to the federal government for permanent residency in Canada
 The SINP is only one of the steps toward becoming a permanent resident in Saskatchewan. All approved applicants must also apply for residency through       Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
SINP offers applicants:
• Competitive applicants processing times
• Assistance from provincial  immigration officers who can explain documents
The Government of Saskatchewan makes the final choice on SINP nominations. When successful candidates apply for permanent resident status with IRCC, they’ll be identified as SINP nominees.
You can apply to the SINP if you meet the program criteria. Be sure to complete accurate applications and provide valid documentation.
Important Information
As an applicant, you can choose to work with an immigration consultant. However, no immigration consultant is given an immigrant quota from the Province of Saskatchewan.
How to Apply
Three SINP program categories you can apply to:
International Skilled Worker:  Through this category, the SINP can nominate skilled workers who want to live and work in Saskatchewan. You ‘ll need to meet the SINP criteria and have factors that will help you settle successfully in Saskatchewan, including but not limited to education, skilled work experience, and English or French Language ability.
• Assess Your Eligibility
  View the point’s grid to determine if you are eligible to apply under an International skilled worker sub-category
• International Skilled worker: Employment offer
  Learn what you need to apply to the SINP as an international skilled worker with an employment offer from Saskatchewan.
• International Skilled worker: Occupation in –Demand
  Learn what you need to apply the SINP as an international skilled worker in an occupation in –demand in Saskatchewan.
• International  Skilled worker: Saskatchewan Express Entry
  Learn what you need to apply to the SINP as an international skilled worker through the Saskatchewan Express Entry sub-category.
• Occupation in – Demand and Express Entry Occupation Requirements
  Learn about which occupations are not eligible through the Occupations in – Demand and Saskatchewan Express Entry subcategories and what professional     requirements you may need to meet.
• International Skilled worker: Procedures and Guidelines
  Learn more about the procedures and guidelines used for the International Skilled worker subcategories.

Saskatchewan Work Experience Program
This category is for foreign workers who: are currently working and living in Saskatchewan on a valid work permit: and would like to apply for permanent residency through the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP)
• Skilled worker with Existing work permit
  Learn what you need to apply to the SINP if you are a skilled worker with an existing work permit.
• Semi-skilled agriculture worker with Existing work permit
  Learn what you need to the SINP if you are an agriculture worker with an existing work permit in the following occupation: General Farm Worker or Nursery/Green    house worker.
• Health Professionals
  Learn what you need to apply to the SINP as a nurse,, physician or other health professional.
• Hospitality Sector Project
  Learn what you need to apply to the SINP as a worker in the hospitality sector.
• Long – Haul Truck Driver Project
  Learn what you need to apply to the SINP as a long – haul truck driver.
• Students
  Learn what you need to apply to the SINP as a student who has graduated from a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada.
• Saskatchewan Experience Categories: Procedures and Guidelines
  Learn more about the procedures and guidelines used for the International Skilled worker and Saskatchewan Experience categories.