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Immigration Program

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Quebec Permanent residence

Quebec Skilled Worker Program

Quebec Immigration Program
The permanent selection application process is now based on the expression of interest principal. People interested in immigration to Quebec must first complete and submit an expression of interest. Ministere de l’immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Integration than invites those whose profile corresponds to Quebec’s needs to submit a permanent selection application.
Know the condition of the Regular skilled worker program
• Selection factors and criteria

Selection is made on the basis of selection grid, with points awarded on the basis of various selection factors and criteria. The assessment of your application will determine whether you obtain a sufficient number of points to be selected by Quebec. The Summary grid of factors and criteria used to select regular skilled workers presents the selection factors and criteria, but also the weighting and the passing scores that apply to skilled workers, as stipulated in Quebec Immigration Regulation and the Regulation respecting the weighting applicable to the selection of foreign nationals.
Selection factors in the point grid
The selection factors and criteria are designed to assess your social and professional profile (as well as your spouse’s) and help determine your potential for integrating into the Quebec labor market and Quebec society. The factors and criteria considered are:
 1 Your training (level of education and area of training ) Only diplomas obtained before the submission of your application are considered in the attribution of points for the Education Level criterion
 2 Your work experience
 3 Your age
 4Your knowledge of French and English
 5Your stays in Quebec and family relationship with a Canadian citizen or a permanent Quebec resident
 6Having a permanent employment offer validated by the Ministere
 7Characteristics of your accompanying spouse or de facto spouse, if applicable
 8 Other factors, including the number of children under the age of 22 who will be accompanying you to Quebec
 9Your capacity for financial self-sufficiency
Quebec Experience Program
The program is intended for Quebec graduates and temporary foreign workers who meet certain conditions, such as demonstrating advanced intermediate knowledge of spoken French
• You are not eligible for the PEQ if
     You hold a bursary with a clause requiring a return to your country You have started a new study program in Quebec
      More than 36 months have elapsed between the time you completed your study program in Quebec nd the date you submitted your application for permanent selection
• Quebec Graduate
     Intend to settle in Quebec to hold a job
     Have stayed temporarily in Quebec for the primary purpose of studying and have respected the conditions of your stay
      Have stayed in Quebec for at least half the duration of your study program
      Hold an eligible Quebec diploma
      Demonstrate advanced intermediate knowledge of oral French 
     Undertake to provide for your basic needs and, where applicable, those of your spouse or de facto spouse and dependent children included in your application for permanent        selection, for a minimum period of three months
      Be at least 18 years old, hold a valid passport and , if you are applying from Quebec, be legally in Quebec at the time of application
Temporary Foreign Workers
If you hold a post-graduation work permit, you can apply under the PEQ as a temporary foreign worker if the selection conditions are more advantageous for you
1 Intend to settle in Quebec to hold a job
2 Have stayed temporarily in Quebec for the primary purpose of working there and have respected the conditions of your stay
3 Be legally in Quebec as a temporary foreign worker or under a youth exchange program ( e,g. through a working Holiday, Young Professionals of International Co-op Internship permit)
4 Have been employed full-time for at least 12 of the 24 months preceding the submission of your application
5  Demonstrate advanced intermediate knowledge of oral French 
6  Undertake to provide for your basic needs and if applicable, those of your spouse or de facto spouse and dependent children included in your application for a Certificat de selection     du Quebec, for a minimum period of three months
7  Be at least 18 years old and hold a valid passport